
28. Juli 2024
10:30 bis 13:00

Introduction to Klein Technique™

Ein Workshop mit Stephanie Miracle

Offen für alle Tanz- und Bewegungsbegeisterten

This class will introduce the principles and practice of Klein Technique™, a technique to re-educate the body and offer tools to align the bones, access the breath, and work with gravity to move with greater efficiency and deeper expression.


Klein Technique™ works on the intersectionality of bodywork and virtuosic dance technique. Focusing on the innate intelligence of the body and the muscles of deep postural support, the psoas, the hamstrings, the pelvic floor and the 6 external rotators, we work on grounding and connecting the body, on the level of the bone. The goal of Klein Technique™ is to develop and maximize each person’s individual potential as a dancer and mover while decreasing the possibility of injury.


Although Klein Technique™ was developed by a dancer for dancers, it is a technique that works for everybody, from the highly trained virtuosic dancer to the „non-dancer“. When the bones are aligned we become connected, we become powerful and we become strong. The body becomes efficient and alive, and injuries often heal.


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This workshop will be taught in English with German translation when needed.


Stephanie Miracle has been studying with Susan Klein since 2006 and became certified teacher of Klein Technique™ in 2017.


Introduction to Klein Technique™
Sonntag, 28. Juli 2024
10:30 bis 13:00 Uhr


Teilnahmegebühr: 40,00 € | Tickets über wuppertal-live.de

