
06.06.2021 von 16:00 bis 19:00

Workshop Series in Klein Technique™

Kompanie merighi | mercy proudly presents

Stretching: How and why we stretch in Klein Technique™:

Workshop Series in Klein Technique™ with Susan Klein hosted by Streamworld Tanz Station – Barmer Bahnhof

The workshop series will be held in english and online via Zoom.

Join us. Breath! Stretch! Connect!!

Registration: info.merighimercy@gmail.com


Stretching enables us to change how the forces move through the bones. By letting go of

the superficial muscles that hold us in our old patterns, stretching gives us the opportunity

to get down to the level of the bone, enter altered states, find our connections, and re-find

our essential self. We stretch with the concept of thrust and counter-thrust, always working

with the body’s innate intelligence and life force.
