
29 April 2023
7:30pm to 9:00pm

Jam Session


Tanz Station – Barmer Bahnhof invites you to a Dance-Day-Jam-Session with Irina Hortin (dancer) and Andrea Galluccio (live music).

Would you like to join us and celebrate International Dance Day 2023? Then send a message in advance to anmeldung@tanz-station.de. We’re looking forward to seeing you!


Saturday, 29 April 2023
Entry from 7:00pm | jam session from 7:30pm–9:00pm
@ Tanz Station – Barmer Bahnhof


Irina Hortin


Irina Hortin studied contemporary dance, linguistics and literature and works as a freelance dancer, choreographer and teacher. In Argentina she got in touch and involved with Tango, that is part of her path ever since. Currently based in Düsseldorf, she is teaching and performing at Tanzhaus NRW, at international Contact(Tango)- and improvisation festivals.

Intrigued by the experience of heterogenity and the many facets of what humanity is, she is vividly interested in how human bodies communicate beyond language and how they resonate in each other and in our wider context – be it dancing or just being – and what it is that moves us.


Andrea Galluccio


One man, one guitar? Not quite. Andrea Galluccio, passionate guitarist and founder of the band Back To The Roots, starts his new solo project with more than a guitar. With a live looping performance, he takes us into fantastic, kaleidoscopic worlds of music. Inspired by oldschool 70s rock and psychedelic as well as electronic and modern sounds and beats, the passionate musician builds instrumental spheres with guitars, analogue synthesizers, samplers and drum machines that can be wild and colourful as well as calm and minimalist.

Sometimes solo, sometimes with guest musicians – always 100 percent Andrea Galluccio.
